Dental Implants in One Day

How much does All-on-4 Cost?

In 2018, the cost to receive All-on-4 dental implants began at a rate of $13,500 per arch. When the appropriate consent is collected by the patient, we will use the industry-leading All-on-4 treatment approach. This approach is a registered trademark of Nobel Biocare, and is meant for patients who possess a full denture set, or who are missing a majority of their teeth.

The rate of $13,500 includes the dental implants themselves, as well as the placement of 4-6 implants, and a same-day delivery of the acrylic set of teeth for a single arch. Acrylic teeth offer a fixed bridge for teeth replacement, which is supported by implants.

Typically, the work that is required to create a full set of All-on-4 dental implants occurs in-house, and is completed within the same day. If there is extensive work necessary, the full set of teeth will still be provided within 24 hours.

It is important to know that those patients who have their dental implant surgery completed in our office have the potential to save anywhere from $5,000-$8,000 per arch. Working within our single location ensures that patients do not have to pay additional fees, as would be the case in a two-location approach. Fees can significantly increase in this kind of situation, whereas we have the ability to provide all services from one office.

In some situations, extra fees may be charged based on a number of factors. One in particular, would depend on which system the patient chooses as a full mouth dental implant-fixed bridge.

Full mouth, fixed bridges can be designed from a variety of materials, including zirconia, as well as a mixture of acrylic teeth overtop of a titanium framework. This style is known as a hybrid permanent bridge.

The following are the different options available:

Zirconia Implant-Supported Fixed Bridge

This type of fixed bridge is generally suggested if the patient is seeking the option that is the strongest material.

Acrylic Teeth Over Titanium Framework

This option is most ideal for those patients who want something long-lasting, and which is also easily repaired if necessary.

Additional Procedures: What Can I Expect?

Prior to having the All-on-4 implants rooted, some patients will require additional procedures based on their dental needs. By taking care of these issues ahead of time, patients can be sure that their new implants will be long-lasting. Some of the procedures that need to be taken care of beforehand include the removal of remaining teeth, and the removal of any gum infections.

Those patients whose gums are in a severe condition, may end up working with both their dentist as well as a periodontist to have the gum disease removed in the same day.

When it comes to the cost of the All-on-4 procedure, patients can rest easy knowing that the procedure is much more cost-effective than the traditional procedures. By going with the All-on-4 option, patients do not need to have multiple surgeries done, and they do not have to worry about paying for multiple surgeries. Anyone who is dealing with tooth loss, tooth decay or loose-fitting dentures should definitely consider a more cost-effective treatment like All-on-4.

Our Equipment

The dental implants that we offer to our patients are backed by years of research. By following the highest standards for implants, we only work with high-grade titanium products that are approved by the FDA.

The dental prosthetic products found in our office include quality zirconia, acrylics and titanium bar prostheses. To ensure that your bridge looks as natural as possible, each one is made to match the patient’s natural tooth color. We’ll take the time to ensure that each tooth is placed in the perfect position, to guarantee a natural appearance that is shaped and colored to complement each unique face.


Before you can enjoy the results of an All-on-4 procedure, you’ll first need to have a consultation. This one-on-one meeting will take approximately one hour, and the time is dedicated to learning about your unique dental situation, your dental history, and answering any questions you may have. You can also expect to have the procedure explained to you, including sedation options as well as learning about the condition of your mouth and what needs to be done.

Enjoy a Complimentary Consultation and 3D Cone Beam Scan

Patients can expect to have a full, complimentary scan done of their mouth, with the i-CAT Cone Beam 3D Dental Imaging System. This system offers a fast, effective scan of the area, and allows for an accurate diagnosis for the All-on-4 dental implant procedure. Additional features of the i-Cat Imaging System include:

  • A scanning time of less than 25 seconds for a complete data read.
  • Reduced levels of radiation in comparison to other CT scanners.
  • A relaxed environment for the scan.
  • An affordable option (Free for first-time All on 4 patients).
  • Fast data relay that allows patients to make decisions quickly about the procedure.

We encourage you to come into our office and have your All-on-4 scan done today. The process is quick and painless, and ideal for those who are considering this type of treatment.

Recovery Time Expectations

As advertised, our All-on-4 procedure can be completed in one sitting! Most patients can expect to be in the office for a couple of hours at most; however, they may need to come in early for their scans or other dental work.

Payment Options

For those who find the cost of this procedure to be unaffordable, we offer a few different suggestions to suit the needs of each of our patients.

One of the options we suggest is to work with a lender; applications for a loan are quick and easy, and can often be completed online. By doing so, patients can explore their different loan options, without having to worry about their credit score being compromised.

Depending on the lending company that is chosen by a patient, they will be granted a certain amount of money for upper and lower jaw reconstruction. Financial payments can be carried out in a variety of ways, including the popular option of fixed monthly payments. With this option, payments will never increase, and you may be able to prepay you loan without any penalties or fees.

Working with a lender is a great option for patients who cannot afford the full cost of the dental implant procedure right away. Patients can enjoy their completed procedure, while also utilizing a monthly payment plan that helps them to make the cost more manageable over time.

Implant-Supported Fixed Bridges: What are the Options for a Full Mouth?

There are three options for your implant-supported bridges, which include:

  • Acrylic teeth overtop of a titanium framework on four implants (Framework can be hidden under acrylic if requested).
  • Zirconia teeth over a pink, zirconia base on four implants (Permanent bridge)
  • Fully acrylic teeth overtop of a pink, all-acrylic base set on four implants

Full Mouth Denture Implants: How Much Do They Cost?

On average, a dentist will use eight implants for each arch, in which a patient has dentures, failing or missing teeth. In these cases, patients are not only paying for the implant surgery, but they’re also paying for more supplies, follow-up visits and more.

It makes sense, then, to be able to offer a procedure like All-on-4, which involves fewer implants. As a result, patients and offices can both save on time and efforts in comparison to a traditional implant procedure. With less implants required, patients can experience faster healing times, with many individuals eating and drinking as soon as their procedure is completed.

Those patients who would benefit best from a full set of implants with the All-on-4 treatment include those with dentures, those with teeth in terrible conditions and those who need full upper and/or lower teeth replacements. Individuals who are approved to have the surgery done will receive as little as four implants, as well as implant-supported replacement teeth in as little as one day. Patients love that this newer concept requires less materials, which also helps to save on time and costs.

Anyone who is seeking full mouth replacement have a few options to bring back their smile. One of the most advanced choices gives individuals the opportunity to enjoy a permanent new set of prosthetic teeth, which are anchored to the jaw bone.

Implant-supported teeth provide a new set of teeth that are extremely life-like and maintained in exactly the same way that you would treat your natural teeth—simply brush and floss. These teeth also support the entire stomatognathic system, which is comprised of the teeth, jaws, nerves, muscles and associated soft tissues.

The act of replacing missing teeth, failing teeth and lost gum tissue with implant-supported teeth has many benefits. Some of the most common include the restoration or maintenance of facial structure, reviving the appearance and increasing functionality.

Although the initial costs for this permanent procedure are fairly expensive, the opportunity to experience one-day procedures allows for lower costs, and longer-lasting implants.

Traveling for Your All-on-4 Dental Implants: What Do You Need to Do?

If you are seeking the All-on-4 dental treatment from an area that does not offer it, you will need to do your research to find out which dental offices provide the service. By getting in touch with the potential offices, you may be able to find out how soon you can get the surgery done, how much it will cost and what you’ll need to do beforehand.

Some offices will request that you have a CT scan or panoramic radiograph done ahead of time, and then have it sent to the office for evaluation.

Because this procedure is becoming so popular, it is necessary for each individual to be patient during their wait time. Each patient is different, and it takes time to decide on the right treatment plan for each individual.

Success Rates: How Long Do the All-on-4 Implants Last?

This procedure is not simply in its beginning stages—the All-on-4 treatment is a proven option that provides a long-term solution. Patients can rest easy knowing that survival rates are high, and that they have the option for up to 5 years of follow-up for the maxilla and 10 years of follow-up for the mandible.

The Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research performed a clinical study in 2014, which involved 242 patients who had 968 implants supporting fixed upper jaws. Each one was made with an all-acrylic prosthesis. The results included a 93% survival rate at patient level, and a 98% survival rate at implant level. This all took place after the allowed 5-year follow-up.

Both maxilla and mandible procedures had high survival rates, according to scientific evidence. These numbers included a mid-term (3-4 years) at 96.3-100%, as well as a long-term (5-10 years) at 94.8-98%.

A more recent study of the procedure suggested that the implant length, bone quality and individual’s habits should all be taken into consideration prior to an upper jaw procedure with All-on-4.

Planning Protection: Is All-on-4 Covered by Insurance?

To ensure that this procedure goes smoothly for every patient, we work with multiple dental insurance plans. All major insurance plans are accepted when it comes to having a full mouth restoration and implants utilized. We’re happy to provide you with a breakdown of the charges, and we can also submit claims to your insurance company for you if requested.

For the most part, dental insurance will cover a least some of the fees charged for teeth restoration. To get an idea of exactly what you can expect, be sure to speak with your insurance company ahead of time about coverage and financing.

Keep in mind that some companies will consider the All-on-4 treatment a “cosmetic procedure” and may not choose to cover you. It’s also important to know that while insurance inquiries are usually fast, any information about coverage for All-on-4 implants may take extra time.

One-Day Implant Surgery: How Much Does It Cost?

Our approach to permanent dental implants not only streamlines the entire process of surgery, but it also helps to save you time and money.

The All-on-4 approach is a system that provides patients with their new teeth within one visit to the office. For those with simpler needs, it’s also possible to have single teeth replaced within one day. For a single implant, patients can expect to pay approximately $1,700 plus the implant crown.

The way that the cost is decided, depends on a few things include the condition of the jaw as well as the gums. Two implants for a three-unit fixed bridge begin around $3,000.

If there are a number of teeth that need to be replaced, having the procedure done in one day is quite possible. In this situation, the patient will have their entire upper or lower teeth replaced all at once.

All-on-4 Candidates: Who is Allowed to Receive the Procedure?

When it comes to deciding who is suitable for the All-on-4 surgery, it is agreed that most patients simply need to have sufficient bone structure in their jaw. This characteristic ensures that the jaw will be able to accommodate the dental implants.

If a patient does not have sufficient jawbone volume or bone density, they may have to forego the one-day treatment. In most cases, the surgery will locate the best available location for the implants, and if necessary an “Implant Angle Correction” will find the perfect positioning.

Necessary Repairs: What is Protocol for Implant Damage?

Any damage that occurs on your All-on-4 teeth can happen quickly or gradually. Some of the common occurrences that cause damage include biting into something hard, and natural wear and tear over time.

When a problem occurs with your fixed bridge, there can be a great level of discomfort, which is why it is important to seek immediate assistance. Not only will acting fast prevent excessive damage to the inside of the mouth, it will also prevent further harm to the implants.

For the most part, it is ideal to get things checked out at the first sign of an issue. This will help to avoid more serious problems that worsen over time. If a patient does require repairs, the procedure is known as “All-on-4 Revision” or “Hybrid Revision”. Repairs are completed in-house, and will be completed on the same day of the reported problem.

Dental Implant Surgery: How Do I Choose a Dentist?

Our teeth are important to us, and we all want to work with dentists who are experienced and personable. There is a strong emphasis on face-to-face time between patients and their dentists, especially for serous procedures like the All-on-4 treatment.

This is because face time will allow your dentist to get to know more about your medical health, your dental history, what you want out of the procedure and more. Not only should you be looking for a dentist who is experienced with dental implants, you should also work with one who takes time to meet with you.

The following are some of the characteristics to look for in a potential dentist for your implant procedure:

  • Licensed dentist with necessary credentials.
  • Specialization in dental implants.
  • Five or more years of experience in the field.
  • Wide range of knowledge on various implant options, including single tooth and full mouth implants.

With these requirements, it should be simple for you to narrow down the potential dentists for your surgery. If they do not have one of the requirements listed, is it a good idea to keep searching.

Are All-on-4 Dental Implants for Me?

When it comes to a procedure like the All-on-4 dental implant treatment, there is no doubt that there are potential risks that go along with it. Experienced dentists are well-aware of these potential risks, and work diligently to ensure that each procedure goes flawlessly from start to finish.

There are three components that a dentist and his team will consider, to ensure that the process is as successful as possible. These components include:

  • Removal of any existing teeth, or roots.
  • Immediate implant placement procedure.
  • Crown placement; this is the piece you will see and which connects to the implant.

Before the procedure can begin, there are a variety of unique steps to consider for each individual and their situation. If the patient has broken teeth, it will be critical to remove the tooth properly so that the tooth socket is not damaged in any way. This tooth socket is made up of the bone which supports the tooth, and it will act as the site for the new dental implant.

Should the tooth socket become damaged or lost, it is possible to experience gum recession, or a cancelled surgery altogether.

Another component of the procedure that must be considered is the placement of the new implant. This implant must be placed in a way that ensures it is non-movable and stable in its location. Bone around the implant heals itself by fusing to the implant’s titanium surface; this process is known as “Osseointegration”.

For implants to the upper front teeth, the procedure is even more precise. In order to stabilize an implant in this area, the socket must be penetrated at the pointed end, and the implant enters into the bone area. However, the sockets of the upper front teeth are cone-shaped, and typically, they require the new implants to go further and deeper into the bone than most other teeth.

If stabilized properly, the bone will re-grow, stretch over potential gaps and fuse to the new implant. It is because of the potential for gaps that dentists need to choose the size of the implant carefully, and ensure that it is placed in the correct position. Those dentists who have experience should have no problem at all deciding on the proper tools and approach for each of their unique visitors.

New Teeth in One Day, contact us today! contact us

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